PFA Annual Conference Speakers

Jennifer Howey, BSc(PT), BSc(Hons), CAFCI
(Pre-Conference Session)
Jennifer Howey is a physiotherapist and owner of InsideOut Physiotherapy & Wellness Group Inc. in downtown Toronto. An avid believer in health promotion, Jennifer has been featured on CBC, Global National, the Globe & Mail and the Star. She was a lead member of Team Medical for the 2015 PanAm/ Para PanAm Games. Jennifer has been a National Master Instructor for BSN Leukotape – K for 8 years and was involved in the development of the Advanced Level 2 program. She is also a Clinical Lecturer at the University of Toronto, and Nordic Pole Walking Master Instructor. Whether treating Olympic level athletes or the downtown office worker, it is with the principles of lifelong learning, movement and vitality that Jennifer emphasizes with her patients, team and public.
Basic Principles and Methods of Kinesiology Taping
Spider tape, Kinesio-tape, BSN Leukotape-K are brands of Kinesiology taping. A leader in this tape and research, BSN Leukotape-K has proven benefits for reducing joint pain, improving muscle function and decreasing swelling. This presentation is a condensed version of a one day course. It will review relevant background on taping methods. It will introduce participants on the basic principles and methods of Kinesiology taping.
Following this training the participants will be able to:
- Conceptualize the method of neuro-proprioceptive taping
- Put into practice one or two taping techniques
- Have the preliminary understanding needed to apply Kinesiology taping and a baseline for future training.

Dr. Louis J. DeCaro, D.P.M.
Louis J. DeCaro is a Podiatric Physician who specializes in pediatrics with a special interest in sports medicine and biomechanics for both adults and pediatrics. Dr. DeCaro is President and fellow of the American College of Foot & Ankle Pediatrics (ACFAP). Dr. DeCaro is a Board Certified Diplomate of the American Board of Multiple Specialties in Podiatry. He also shares a patent on foot types. He is in private practice in West Hatfield and a member of the surgical & medical staff at Franklin Medical Center as well as Holyoke Medical Center. Dr. DeCaro is the Director and originator of the Adult & Pediatric Gait Labs Biomechanics Clinic, which takes place biweekly at his West Hatfield office. It is a multidisciplinary clinic, which evaluates the most challenging of biomechanics patients, and helps to find them answers through orthoses and therapy. Dr. DeCaro is an international lecturer on the topics of podopediatrics and biomechanics.
How to biomechanically evaluate and treat Ages 1-9
- To understand the most common foot and ankle pathologies associated with podopediatrics and adult foot types involving orthotic treatments. Age specific protocols will be discussed.
- Understanding the long-term implications of foot types in starting with children and their correlation and prevention of many common adult kinetic chain pathologies including but not limited to bunions, hammertoes, neuromas, plantar fasciitis, and other common podiatric adult complaints.
- Understand how to select the appropriate orthotic design and selection based on pathological foot-type.
How to biomechanically evaluate and treat Ages 10-114
- To understand how to identify the basic biomechanical principles of the foot and lower extremity as a function of gait, and recognize the affect pathological foot conditions have upon normal gait.
- Understand a way to be able to differentiate between a compensated and uncompensated rearfoot varus deformity and their affect on gait. Thus the ability to differentiate between common pathological foot-types.
- Understand how to select the appropriate orthotic design and selection based on pathological foot-type.

Jeremy Long, BOCPD
Jeremy Long is a BOC Pedorthist, who has been in the footwear field since 1988, covering multiple settings and disciplines. He gained his pedorthic credential in 2005 after having spent years working both in Reebok’s Technical Services Division and performing specialty fitting work in the skate/snow sports fields. He has been working in podiatric and O&P facilities for the past 15 years, specializing in a broad spectrum of pedorthic care. Jeremy presently is on the Pedorthic Footcare Association Board of Directors, and is Chair of its Council on Pedorthic Education. He also practices clinical pedorthics with Orthotic Holdings, Inc., serving podiatric practices in the Mid-Atlantic region.
Clinical Casting Techniques
An exploration of the clinical efficacy of various foot orthotic casting techniques.
Casting Demonstration and Hands-on Practice Session
Provide an opportunity for pedorthists to see and practice alternative casting techniques and learn how they can be implemented into daily practice to improve patient outcomes.

Dr. Paul Langer, DPM
Dr. Langer is a board certified podiatrist specializing in sports medicine with a special interest in endurance sports. He has published scholarly articles, contributed to three medical texts and authored a book and has lectured internationally on lower extremity health and footwear. He is a past president of the American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine and an adjunct clinical faculty member of the University of Minnesota Medical School.
The Aging Foot
Foot pain and deformities are common as we age. These changes along with other age related changes increase our risk of falling. This lecture will review how the foot changes with age and how to use footwear interventions to manage pain, deformities and falls.
Pedorthic Solutions for Runners
Runners sustain a dis-proportionally high incidence of injuries compared to other sports. This lecture will review common running injuries and injury risk factors and discuss pedorthic interventions to address them.

C. Brent Moreau, RMT,C.Ped
Nationally recognized Therapist (NHPC) specializing in chronic pain management and repetitive strain injuries within the sporting and occupational sectors.
- Certified Pedorthist and member of PFA Canada and American Board for certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics and Pedorthists 2013
- Certified Myofascial Release Therapist 2008
- Certified K-taping Therapist 2011
- Certified Sports Trainer 2006
- Recognized as foremost Radial Shockwave Therapist for Alberta, Canada, inclusive of treatment in paravertebral muscles, trigger points and fascia–Instructed by Dr. Monsour Alvi & Dr. Ulrich Piontkowski
- Primary Shockwave Therapy Instructor for continued Education courses offered by Active Solutions 2015
- Facilitated seminars for First Aid Site Management -2008-present
- Over 30 years of Public Speaking & Training experience with audiences of over 500 persons
- Involved with Massage therapy mentorship programs
Introduction to Shockwave Therapy
Introduction to the innovative world of rehabilitative medicine with Shockwave Therapy solidly based on extensive clinical research over the past 60 years. Learn the science of how and why it works. Clarify your understanding how this technology is complementary in patient Footcare.

Joan Weir, Director of Health Policy, CLHIA
Joan is the director of health and dental policy for CLHIA (Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association), a voluntary trade association with member companies that account for 99 percent of Canada’s life and health insurance business. In her role, Joan is responsible for analysis on industry issues, policy strategy development and to build consensus on concerns important to member companies. An important part of the health portfolio is working within industry and with provincial/federal payers on drug plan strategy and sustainability.
Joan brings 20+ years of benefits management expertise to her position at CLHIA, having worked for insurers and administrators on both private and public sector programs, notably with First Canadian Health and Health Canada on the NIHB program and most recently with Medavie Blue Cross.
Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association Update
General information on the insurance industry as it relates to pedorthic claims, fraud and policies.
Guidelines for pedorthic services coverage and discussion panel with insurance company representatives
Moderated by Joan Weir – Representatives from various insurance companies will provide information on claims for pedorthic services and answer questions regarding claims

Pam Haig, CPed, BOCPD
Serving the industry with over four decades of clinical experience, specializing in advanced orthosis and AFO posting for chronic and unresolved pathologies. She began her career as a podiatric medical assistant and became co-owner of OSI Labs; a nationally recognized podiatric manufacturing lab. Her knowledge of podiatric theory was shared with orthopedic surgeons which lead her to be the visionary founder of the first Pedorthic medical clinic in Indianapolis and The Robert M. Palmer, M.D., Institute Of Biomechanics – a Not-For-Profit School. Donating her expertise; she has previously served on OSU-Okmulgee’s Pedorthic Advisory Board, past Treasurer to The Alliance of Educators and been a consultant to many national and international footcare and footwear companies and an international lecturer on many occasions. She holds two patent pending applications in motion control footcare products with other designs and concepts under development.
Gait Initiation and Muscle Sequencing in a Live and Animated Demonstration
Gait initiation and muscle sequencing will be reviewed in a live and animated demonstration. The objective of this presentation is to enlighten the participant towards a better understanding in an effort to maximize applied theory towards developing a biomechanically engineered foot orthosis. Replicating this demonstration in a simplified version can enhance patient understanding of concepts introduced to them, promote their cooperation and compliancy with the proposed treatment plan.
A Ten Step Systematic Range of Motion Assessment
A ten step systematic range of motion assessment was developed by orthopedic surgeon, Robert Palmer, MD. These motions are palpated, quantified and applied to orthosis design and posting theories published within the literature. This assessment allows the patient/consumer to recognize the skill set of a trained practitioner towards developing an optimally aligned or compromised treatment plan, product or service. The busy retailer can also utilize this skill set to train their staff and aid them in choosing appropriate shoe features for their customer/patient.