Certified Pedorthist – PFA Canada Membership Eligibility Verification

I am a Certified Pedorthist with one of the following credentials. C.Ped, BOCPD, C.Ped C or C.Ped MC and I would like confirmation confirm PFA Canada membership eligibility. This is a required procedure.

Pedorthists with a C.Ped or BOCPD credential will require the following information for the completion of the form below.
Please note: You will need to have the documents and information listed below before you start completing the form below as you will not be able to save a partially completed form and pick up where you left off.

……. 1. Three Reference letters (references may include employers, mentors, physicians, etc) – All reference letters must be dated and signed and their contact information must be provided.
……. 2. Education history including degree, diploma, certificates, transcripts, etc
……. 3. Complete employment history.


Eligibility Verification Fee

  • If you have not already had your Membership Eligibility Verified – $150.00 plus tax (non-refundable)
  • If your Membership Eligibility has already been verified you are still required to complete the form below however the fee will be waived waived..